
Come Out with Pride and You Could Get on TV!!

In the spirit of Pride this month, Current TV is reaching out to their audiences to ask about their coming out stories, and they would love to have Lesbiatopia and their readers participate! Finding liberation in coming out should be celebrated and admired. They hope that by sharing our stories, we'll inspire others with the courage to do the same. Current will also be selecting some of the best to be aired on TV!

All you have to do is go to, http://www.current.com/pride and click "add
something new."

Webcam/video comments are preferred and greatly increase your odds at getting on TV, but if that doesn't work for you, we'd love to hear your story anyway you can tell us. We'd be thrilled if you would share this opportunity on your blog or any other communities you're involved with.

Happy Pride Month!!

1 comment:

Queers United said...

never heard of current tv but cool concept