
IDKEX diary: August 18 Legs McFly, the Royal Renegades

As part of IDKE X, the International Drag King Community Extravaganza pre-event festivities, many of the performers and drag troupes have agreed to share their thoughts and stories about the upcoming event. Our third journal entry comes Legs McFly of the Columbus, OH Royal Renegades.

And now a diary entry from Legs McFly...
Getting ready for the beloved Dragdom show...
As an individual, I am rather new to IDKE. My first experience was in Vancouver , BC at IDKE9. As someone who only recently had uncovered my sexual orientation, and who was, and is still, learning how to express who I am, the entire conference was like nothing I could have imagined. It embodied a level of gender expression and intellectually challenging ideas that superceded all my expectations. I was deeply affected, as well as impressed by the creativity, the emotion, the artistry, the kinship, and the dedication involved in producing such an event. I was immediately hooked, and wanted very much to continue my involvement with the community.As an assistant show coordinator for Dragdom, I will be working with my fellow Renegades as well as other members of the community to produce one of IDKE's biggest and most-beloved events. Dragdom, which is held at Wall Street Night Club, has a different flavor than that of Showcase. The fact that performers cannot secure a spot in the line-up before the day of the show ensures a certain level of chaos and excitement, as well as a line out the door of anxious performers. Even after a potential performer signs up, making the line-up is not simply a matter of "first come, first served." Before one can make the cut, a group of IDKE board members will take into account various factors in order to promote a diverse and equitable sampling of performances and performers. For example, priority is given to those not already performing in Showcase, who are traveling a great distance, or who are part of an under-represented demographic.As a performer, I am a veteran of Wall St. shows. I have coordinated and performed in numerous events, and feel my experience at the venue and my relationships with the staff will facilitate a smooth execution of this event. I am very much looking forward Dragdom, and encountering the influx of personalities and passions on Friday, October 17th 2008.

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